Pubg Kr ( Korean ) is the Battleground game made for the people in Korea but in other countries, players can also have access to this Version.
Due to the ban on PUBG MOBILE GLOBAL, the PUBG KR has gained more popularity in Indian every Indian PUBG enthusiastic has started playing the Korean version.
But recently the Krafton has launched the new Battleground game in India similar to the PUBG Global and Korean Version that is BGMI Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Let’s Discuss the Major Changes between PUBG KR and BGMI which one is better;
PUBG MOBILE Korean VS BGMI Battlegrounds Mobile India
The major change that comes in BGMI Battlegrounds Mobile India is Change in the UC prices BGMI costs more money than PUBG Kr and Global.
The Alert notice with the voice making you play the game as the entertainment;
Krafton Battlegrounds is not a real-world-based game, yet a survival simulation game in a virtual world.
The Hit Effect there are 4 hit effects in PUBG KR and Global but there are only 3 in BGMI red is removed. But the 3 effects which are in BGMI are well optimized with animation which looks very cool.
Another change in BGMI is the change in kill animation when you kill the enemy player get invisible whereas in pubg KR and global version player dead animation was different.
In pubg KR or global when someone kills the enemy the popup comes is you kill ___ but in BGMI it comes to like you finished ___.