VR1xPunkk – PUBG MOBILE | PUNKK PUBG Wikipedia Biography | In game Settings, Sensitivity, Controls, ID

Who is VR1xPunkk?

Punk is one of India’s best underrated competitive players with a lot of game sense and gunpower. Now in Villagers esports scrims, his performance is incredible. Soon big organizations will approach him if he plays with the same consistency. 

He got appreciated by many reputed esports players such as Snacks, Scout. Gamepro Ocean also posted the video on PUNKK.

Now he is playing from the VR1 esports team Before he played for Mym.

Birthday of Punk comes on 5octomber 

Punk PUBG id – 576687240

(In-Game-Name) Ign – VR1xPunkk ( ALL ROUNDER )

He is PMCO2020Finalist

Device – iPhone

Punk In-Game Settings | Controls and Sensitivity;

Punk Control Layout

Sensitivity and also if you play global or Korean/Chinese?

He plays on the GLOBAL version of PUBG MOBILE.

Sensitivity of Punk;

camera freelook sensitivity

Camara Sensitivity

ADS Sensitivity

Gyroscope Sensitivity

Punkk is Right-handed or left-handed?

Punkk is Right-handed.

what device do Punkk play on and which graphics settings?

Punkk plays on SMOOTH EXTREME, SOFT, and Brightness full

How Punk Practice ( Training Or Classics )?

He maintained that he does not go in training for doing practice, He just plays classics match 1 vs 4 and TDM to do practice, and he plays SCRIMS from 1pm to 11pm

What Challenges he faced in beginning?

He started to play PUBG mobile on mi5 android phone 1.5 years before, he also faces many internet issues before, now from recent pmco, he took a new iPhone.
Before taking the new iPhone he faced many problems in play the customs it was very tuff for him to play on the low-end device and he was IGL too, As well as his parents also were not supporting him in starting. But he managed to handle it.

Now due to a good device and good internet connection he’s performing well.

What is your definition of a good player of a battle royal?

Beating every player in the battle royal game is very hard but try to be the best and improve user self from your every previous mistake.

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