How To Get AdSense Approval on Blogger | BlogSpot Free Domain | Part-1

How To Get AdSense Approval on Blogger | BlogSpot Free Domain | Part-1;

In this AdSense Approval Series, I am going to approve my urveshpatil123. blogspot free site and going to share do and don’t and tricks to get your to site ready for showing ads.

I have a free blogger website on which I took AdSense approval within 20days approx.
But I can’t share more details due to some reason.

I made this new blogger website to show you the live proof of how to get Adsense approval.

Biggest Question | Can I Get AdSense Approval on blogger in 2021?

One word Answer Absolutely “YES” 100% sure you will get Adsense approval on your free blog, You just need to follow the few steps and tricks.

Steps and Tricks to follow to get Adsense Approval,

1) Choose the Topic on which you can write a 400 to 500 words unique article.
2) Try to use the popular template.
3) link your blogger site on Google Search Console.
4) link your blogger site on Question Hub.
5) Insert your sitemap on Google Search Console.
6) Create pages of contacts us, privacy and policy, disclaimer, about me.

Do and Don’t for getting Adsense approval,


1) Write unique content.
2) Use your own images.
3) Try to get organic traffic
4) Use more images and video.
5) Try to focus on important keywords.


1) Don’t use other content.
2) Don’t use images from google.
3) Don’t share your blog on social media.
4) Don’t change your template again and again.
5) Don’t try to do keyword stuffing.

When to apply for AdSense Approval;

1) How many posts are required to get AdSense Approval?

Above 15 posts are required to get AdSense Approval both all posts must be unique and above 400 words and try to use more videos and images.

2) How old our blog should be?

Your blog must complete more than 30days then apply for Adsense approval.

3) How many views are required?

Views don’t affect anything if you get 10 20 views daily and write unique 400 plus words content you will blindly get approval.

After Applying for AdSense Approval?

Don’t change anything once you apply for AdSense approval make essential changes such as Theme, TEMPLATE before applying for AdSense approval. Don’t do any changes to the HTML script. After applying don’t stop posting the content uploaded a post every day which makes a good impression and try to write the article more than 500words. 

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